“For every dollar spent on drug use prevention, communities can save $4-5 in cost for drug abuse treatment and counseling”
- (NIDA) National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Did You Know ?.....
43% of Catawba County middle and High school students reported using alcohol in the past year
20.4 % reported monthly use of alcohol.
13.3 years is the average age of onset for alcohol use among Catawba County youth.
1,879 Catawba County youth under age 21 were charged with Driving after consuming from 1999-2007.
35% of High school 12th graders reported drinking alcohol within the last 30 days.
73% of youth report positive family support.
We are members of:
North Carolina Substance Abuse Prevention Providers Association, Inc.
Catawba County Child Collaborative
Project Lazarus
Operation Pill Stoppers
PAYC Parent And Youth Connection
Project Towards No Drugs/How To Drug Proof your kids
PAYC class offers youth 12-18 who have violated school policy with alcohol or drugs an opportunity to reduce the number of days of suspension. This will enable the student to return to school sooner, reducing risk of drop out, and educate the student and parents about alcohol and drugs.
PAYC classes focus on:
· Myths and Denials of Substance Abuse
· Drug Facts
· Self control
· Increase Communication
· Making Choices
· Building Trust with Family
· Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use
· Understanding of Addiction
· Parental Prevention Tools
Empowering Youth for Healthy Lifestyles
STEP Program (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting)
For more information see the webpage here: STEP Program
18B and Underage Drinking Violations
People charged with underage drinking violations or possession of alcohol are often recommended to attend an education program in order to satisfy the court.
Assessments are completed and enrollment in education groups are scheduled unless the assessment indicates a higher level of care is needed.
For More Information Contact:
Josh Clay
Prevention and Outreach Supervisor
Phone: 828-256-3436.
Fax: 828-256-3623.
We would like to give thanks to the many agencies in the community who have partnered with us in assisting youth and their families. We would also like to thank the school systems for allowing us to participate in the out of school suspension program and giving us an opportunity to educate youth and their families on how to stay drug free. As a community we can make a difference.