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The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a needs-based federally funded program providing training and employment services. The program serves unemployed or underemployed adults actively seeking employment or employed individuals looking to improve their employment situation.

WIOA is an employment-focused program requiring clients to go through both core and intensive services prior to training.


Participation in the WIOA program is a process that begins with visiting the local NCWorks Career Center, attending a WIOA information meeting, completing assessments and making an appointment to determine eligibility with a WIOA career coach.


  • Core services


Core services are provided through the local NCWorks Career Center including: job search and placement assistance (including career counseling); labor market information (which identifies job vacancies, skills needed for in-demand jobs, and local, regional, and national employment trends); initial assessment of skills and needs; information about services; and follow-up services to help customers keep their jobs once they are placed.


  • Intensive services


To be eligible for intensive services customers must have participated in at least one core service and have been determined in need of intensive services in order to retain employment that allows for self-sufficiency. Intensive services will include: more comprehensive assessments; development of an individual employment plan; group and individual counseling; case management; and short-term pre-vocational services.


  • Training services


Customers who are unable to obtain or retain employment through the aforementioned services may qualify for training assistance if: after an interview, evaluation and assessment the career coach determines them in need of such services; AND they have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate and complete the selected training program; AND the training is directly linked to employment opportunities in the local area or in another area in which they are willing to relocate.


  • Training services may include:


Occupational skills training, Skill upgrading, Adult education and literacy activities in conjunction with other training, On-the-job training.


  • Job development and placement services


Job development and placement services are available to clients completing a training service AND to clients who do not want to go into training but need assistance finding a job.


  • Follow-up services


Follow-up services are provided to clients after completion of their WIOA activity to ensure employment retention, measure success of the program and offer referrals to other agencies if other services are needed.


  • For more information contact:


NCWorks Career Center – Burke

720 East Union St.

Morganton, NC 28655


NCWorks Career Center – Caldwell

1909 Hickory Blvd.

Lenoir, NC 28645


NCWorks Career Center – Alexander

345 Industrial Blvd.

Taylorsville, NC 28681


NCWorks Career Center – Catawba

3301 Hwy 70 SE

Newton, NC 28658


Western Peidmont Works:


NCWorks Online:

Call us today 828-256-3436

4330 Viola Sipe Drive

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